3D Model Experiments

Hello Everyone!

We hope you all had a wonderful christmas and we look forward to wishing you a happy new year in a couple of days time,

We have just under two weeks left on our Kickstarter and fingers crossed we can get over the finish line!

Recently we have been experimenting with 3D models for use in the game. It seems sensible for us to stick with 2D CG h-scenes for  now unless the kickstarter goes wildly over the funding goal. However, we can still put 3D models into great use for when you're running around in the Vampire's domain!

We've been working on a little concept character here, what do you think? She is unlikely to be the main character but perhaps one of the other vampire sisters you can encounter.

What do you think?

Please consider backing us on kickstarter to help bring this project to life!

- BoobaSoft

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